Sunday, November 4, 2007

Rhymes With Orange

smile once in a while
turn up the volume
when you blow your nose
you look so slick on the pavement

once in a while, i could believe
that we were meant to be
then i shrug and say
you wern't worth it after all

smile once in a while
it may be your first
your last
and your always

smile for me
like buttah
so smooth
you're creamy white
don't even think about it
you're so soft and lonely.

but only once in a while.


Leighla said...

I love it. I want to write lovely poetry babe

you are my inspiration <3

Leighla said...

you're coming this weekend!!!!!!!!! <3333 I'm SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i just wrote a mind-vomit poem. =D thank you for the inspiration.